Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Last Night in Costa Rica

Post by Andrew:
Hi everyone. it is our last night in Costa Rica.  It feels like we just got here.  It has been a great experience here with the whole team.  Everyone has grown so much since we have gotten here and we have all become more like a family than a team, including the interns.  It has been a great experience to see the younger members grow and adapt.  They have also been a great example of how we all should approach an event like this.  It has been inspiring to see the team work hard all day and still want to do more.  I don't know how many of the team actually want to go home.

There have been no complaints from anyone even when we are being eaten by every kind of insect that you know and some that you have never seen before.  The area is beautiful beyond words and the view is ever changing.  hopefully you can get and idea of this from the pictures that you will see.

I believe everyone here has played a huge part in spreading the word and expanding God's Kingdom. They have all been great examples of what servants of  Jesus Christ should be like and they have all shown how great it is to be a servant of Jesus Christ.  Everyone should go on at least one trip like this in their life, it will change the way you look at everyday and the world.

Well see you soon.