Friday, July 17, 2015

Post from Gabby - Thursday

Today, my team worked in the kitchen washing dishes & preparing lunch.  It was really trying at first because all of the Ticos that worked in the kitchen don't speak English.  It took a little courage & a lot of God but I finally got the guts to start using the little Spanish I know and it turned out to be way easier than expected.

Sarah Gibbs and I spent the majority of the day chatting with Lulu, a 20-year old Tica, about everything under the sun.  Total girl stuff, we talked about boys, places, & our futures.  It was way cool to see God show up and totally ease that language barrier to help us build a relationship that is sure to last.

Right now, we are all sitting together drinking coffee & there is so much laughter, love, & community.  it's amazing to see God show up everywhere, all the time and facilitate these friendships.
--- Gabby

Gabby & Sarah S. were the official LifeGuards for our Water Day!