Friday, July 17, 2015

Post from Maddy

Greetings from Costa Rica!
As we reach day 4 in our adventure, I'm glad to say that the team and I  have been having the time of our lives!  This morning we took a break from the usual work assignments to go zip-lining through the jungle and over rivers and canyons.  I guess I can check that off my bucket list.
Costa Rica just might be the most beautiful place in the world.
Everything is  so green and it's always wet.  I'm sad to say that I haven't really seen any  cool animals yet, but there are a lot of huge bugs and beetles.  Also, just in case anyone was wondering, I have been pretty much eaten alive by little bugs and blood suckers, but at least I'll have a little bit of jungle to take home with me!  I can;t wait to see everyone when I get home!
------ Maddy   

Side note to our parents & family member... entire team is well, & full of amazing spirit, aside from the bug bites.